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Migrating to Rocky Linux 8

Rocky 8

On the first week of July 2024, the operating system of Lawrencium's login and compute nodes were updated to Rocky Linux 8. The process of logging in to Lawrencium after upgrade to Rocky Linux 8 remains the same. The job submission process using slurm also remains the same. See example slurm job submission scripts. There are, however, important changes some of which are listed below.

Open OnDemand Changes and Known Issues

  • Open OnDemand now uses the standard Berkeley Lab login.
  • Some users may have trouble accessing Open OnDemand. We are aware of the problem and working on a fix.
  • To access your scratch directory from Jupyter on Open OnDemand please create a symlink to your scratch directory; for example to create a symlink to scratch on your home directory:
    ln -s /global/scratch/users/$USER $HOME/scratch

New Software Module Farm

With the OS upgrade comes a new software module farm. Various libraries, scientific applications and utilities are available and can be accessed via the Lmod Environment Module system. In addition to previously available module commands such as module avail, module load and module unload, a new useful command is module spider which helps in finding a module with instructions on any additional modules that you may have to load before loading a particular module.

Example: module spider hdf5
[user@n0000 ~]$ module spider hdf5

  hdf5: hdf5/1.14.3

You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before 
the "hdf5/1.14.3" module is available to load.

      gcc/10.5.0  openmpi/4.1.3
      gcc/10.5.0  openmpi/4.1.6
      gcc/11.4.0  openmpi/4.1.3
      gcc/11.4.0  openmpi/4.1.6
      intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.1.0  intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.10.0

      HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and 
      managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes, 
      and is designed for flexible and efficient I/O and for high volume 
      and complex data.

See more details on module management here.

Compiling Software

If you want to use software packages that are not already available to you in the new software module farm, you will have to reinstall/rebuild your software packages. gcc, intel-oneapi-compilers, llvm and nvhpc compiler packages are available. For MPI packages, openmpi installed using a gcc compiler is only visible after loading the corresponding gcc compiler. Similarly, intel-oneapi-mpi package is only visible after loading the intel-oneapi-compilers package.

The default gcc compiler is gcc/11.4.0 available through module load gcc. Two other gcc versions are available: gcc/10.5.0 and gcc/13.2.0.

intel-oneapi-compilers version 2023.1.0 is available which consists of both the intel classic compilers icc, icpc, ifort and the newer intel oneAPI compilers: icx, icpx, ifx. Some links to additional resources on Intel documentation site for the particular versions of compilers in this module can be found here.

Python Packages


Anaconda3 2024.2 (Python 3.11) is available on the new software module farm. It can be loaded as:

module load anaconda3

Two other versions of Python with minimal additional packages (mpi4py, numpy, matplotlib, scipy, h5py, pip, jax, pandas) are provided. Please note that the linear algebra backend for numpy in these two python modules (python/3.11.6 and python/3.10.12) is the openBLAS library whereas the Anaconda distribution (anaconda3/2024.02-1-11.4) uses the Intel MKL library.

Intel Distribution of Python

Additionally the Intel Distribution of Python (Python 3.9) is available, and can be loaded as:

module load intelpython

When you load intelpython, intel-oneapi-compilers and intel-oneapi-mpi are also loaded because we have added mpi4py package linked to Intel MPI library to the Intel Distribution of Python.

As before, several Jupyter kernels are available to access ml/tensorflow and ml/pytorch conda environments from the Jupyter server on Open OnDemand. Click here for more information on installing python packages and jupyter kernels for use on the Jupyter server on Open OnDemand.

R Packages

Version 4.4.0 of R is available to users; the R module can be loaded as:

module load r
Some commonly used r-packages are already installed with the R module available on the system. To view the list of packages already installed, use the following command in the R command prompt (either in your terminal or R-studio session on Open OnDemand):


Another module r-spatial is available for a standard set of R packages for spatial data:

module load r-spatial