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Using Python on Lawrencium

Python packages

The rocky-8 operating system in Lawrencium comes with python@3.6 and python2.7. To use these, use the command python3 and python2 respectively.

Other python modules are available on the Lawrencium software module farm. There are two basic (with only a few additional site-packages) python modules provided. To list these python modules:

$ module av python

---------- /global/software/rocky-8.x86_64/modfiles/langs ----------
   python/3.10.12-gcc-11.4.0    python/3.11.6-gcc-11.4.0 (D)

$ module load python/3.10.12
$ python
Python 3.10.12 (main, Mar 22 2024, 00:44:12) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Additional site-packages installed in these python modules are: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, mpi4py, h5py,netCDF4, pandas, geopandas, ipython and pyproj.

User installation of python packages

You can use pip to install or upgrade packages.

python -m pip install --user $PACKAGENAME 
to install a python package to ~/.local directory. The package libraries are usually installed in a sub-directory for each python version; for example: ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/

Choosing python modules

Please note that the linear algebra backend for numpy in these two python modules (python/3.11.6 and python/3.10.12) is the openBLAS library whereas the Anaconda distribution (anaconda3/2024.02-1-11.4) uses the Intel MKL library. We have found that linear algebra operations are generally faster using numpy through the anaconda3 module.

Anaconda environment

We also provide anaconda3 python environment that has many popular scientific and numerical python libraries pre-installed. To load the anaconda3 module:

$ module load anaconda3
$ python
Python 3.11.5 (main, Sep 11 2023, 13:54:46) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Several Jupyter kernels are available to access tensorflow and pytorch conda environments from the Jupyter server on Open OnDemand. Click here for more information on installing python packages and jupyter kernels for use on the Jupyter server on Open OnDemand.

Intel Distribution of Python

Additionally the Intel Distribution of Python (Python 3.9) is available, and can be loaded as:

module load intelpython

When you load intelpython, intel-oneapi-compilers and intel-oneapi-mpi are also loaded because we have added mpi4py package linked to Intel MPI library to the Intel Distribution of Python.

Using Dask

Dask is available both in the anaconda3 and intelpython modules. Dask can be useful when you are working with large datasets that don't fit in the memory of a single machine. Dask implements lazy evaluation, task scheduling and data chunking that makes it useful when performing analysis on large datasets.

Dask JupyterLab Extension

Dask JupyterLab Extension can be used to manage Dask clusters and monitor it through various dashboard plots in JupyterLab panes.

To install dask-labextension once you have a python module loaded:

python -m pip install dask-labextension