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Using the lrc-xfer DTN

To improve the data transfer experience of our supercluster, a separate dedicated data transfer server is available. mounts all the cluster file systems such that users can transfer data into/from any cluster filesystem. Also NERSC HPSS data transfer utilities like hsi and htar are configured to work on this server.

Data Transfer Examples On Linux

Transfer data from a local machine to Lawrencium

scp file-xxx $$USER
scp -r dir-xxx $$USER

Transfer from Lawrencium to a local machine

scp $$USER/file-xxx ~/Desktop

Transfer from Lawrencium to Another Institute

ssh $   # DTN
scp -r $ $USER@other-institute:/destination/path/

Rsync: data transfer and backup tool

rsync -avpz file-at-local $$USER 

Data Transfer Examples On Windows

  • WinSCP: SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows
  • FileZilla: multi-platform program via SFTP