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CPU Cluster


About Lawrencium Cluster

Lawrencium is a general purpose cluster that is suitable for running a wide variety of scientific applications. The system is named after the chemical element 103 which was discovered at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1958 and in honor of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron.

The original Lawrencium system was built as a 200-node cluster and debuted as #500 on the Top500 supercomputing list in Nov 2008.

Lawrencium consists of multiple generations of compute nodes with the lr8 partition being the most recent addition and the lr4 partition the oldest still in production. In addition, there is a lr_bigmem partition with 1.5TB memory per node, and cm1, cm2, cf1 partitions (details in the table below).

Partition Nodes CPU Cores Memory Infiniband
lr8 20 AMD EPYC 9534 128 768GB HDR
lr7 132 Intel Xeon Gold 6330 56 256GB or 512GB HDR
lr6 88 Intel Xeon Gold 6130 32 96GB or 128GB FDR
156 Intel Xeon Gold 5218 32 96GB FDR
Intel Xeon Gold 6230 40 128GB FDR
lr5 192 Intel Xeon E5-2680v4 28 64GB FDR
Intel Xeon E5-2640v4 20 128GB QDR
lr4 148 Intel Xeon E5-2670v3 24 64GB FDR
lr_bigmem 2 Intel Xeon Gold 5218 32 1.5TB EDR
cm1 14 AMD EPYC 7401 48 256GB FDR
cm2 3 AMD EPYC 7454 64 256GB EDR
cf1 72 Intel Xeon Phi 7210 256 192GB FDR

LRC Jobscript Generator

You can use the LRC Jobscript Generator page to generate sample slurm job submission scripts targeting these different systems.