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How do I get a user account on the Lawrencium cluster?

Principal Investigators (PIs) can sponsor researchers, students and external collaborators for cluster accounts. Account requests and approval are done through the MyLRC portal. Either the PI or a user can place a user account creation request on the MyLRC portal. Please see the MyLRC documentation to learn how to submit a request. Upon request, an automatic email will be sent to your PI for approval. When the PI approves the request, it will be processed and the user is notified through email upon account availability.

How do I submit my first job?

Login to the cluster using any of the terminal options of your choice. You may login to cluster using the server name Use your user name and PIN+OTP combination to login successfully. Upon login you will be end up on one of the login nodes in your home directory. Please do not submit jobs on the login nodes. You would request a compute node either using an interactive or batch slurm session. You need to know your slurm association before scheduling the slurm session. Check out slurm job submission examples here. Depending on type of job for example CPU only, GPU, MPI, serial, you could visit the slurm script examples on this page.

How do I transfer data to and from the cluster?

For more details, please see the examples on the Using the lrc-xfer DTN page.

What is the maximum runtime / walltime you can assign a job?

It depends on the qos and the information can be obtained using the following command

sacctmgr show qos name=lr_normal,lr_debug,lr_interactive,cm1_debug,cm1_normal,es_debug,es_normal,cf_debug,cf_normal,es_lowprio,cf_lowprio format=name,maxtres,maxwall,mintres

The maximum runtime / walltime is shown on the MaxWall column. The output may look like the following:

      Name       MaxTRES     MaxWall       MinTRES 
---------- ------------- ----------- ------------- 
  lr_debug        node=4    03:00:00         cpu=1 
 lr_normal                3-00:00:00         cpu=1 
 cf_normal       node=64  3-00:00:00         cpu=1 
  cf_debug        node=4    01:00:00         cpu=1 
 es_normal       node=64  3-00:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+ 
  es_debug        node=4    03:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+ 
 cm1_debug        node=4    01:00:00         cpu=1 
cm1_normal       node=64  3-00:00:00         cpu=1 
es_lowprio                           cpu=2,gres/g+ 
lr_intera+        cpu=32  3-00:00:00